Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
We now consider how to use the information
provided to obtain an estimated odds ratio
for the fitted model. Because this model con-
tains the product terms CC equal to CAT
CHL, and CH equal to CATHPT, the esti-
mated odds ratio for the effect of CAT must
consider the coefficients of these terms as
well as the coefficient of CAT.

The formula for this estimated odds ratio is
given by the exponential of the quantityb^plus
^d 1 times CHL plus^d 2 times HPT, whereb^equals
12.6894 is the coefficient of CAT,^d 1 equals
0.0692 is the coefficient of the interaction term
CC, and^d 2 equals2.3318 is the coefficient of
the interaction term CH.

Plugging the estimated coefficients into the
odds ratio formula yields the expression:eto
the quantity12.6894 plus 0.0692 times CHL
plus2.3318 times HPT.

To obtain a numerical value from this expres-
sion, it is necessary to specify a value for CHL
and a value for HPT. Different values for CHL
and HPT will, therefore, yield different odds
ratio values, as should be expected because
the model contains interaction terms.

The table shown here illustrates different odds
ratio estimates that can result from specifying
different values of the effect modifiers. In this
table, the values of CHL are 200, 220, and 240;
the values of HPT are 0 and 1, where 1 denotes
a person who has hypertension. The cells
within the table give the estimated odds ratios
computed from the above expression for the
odds ratio for different combinations of CHL
and HPT.

For example, when CHL equals 200 and HPT
equals 0, the estimated odds ratio is given by
3.16; when CHL equals 220 and HPT equals 1,
the estimated odds ratio is 1.22. Note that
each of the estimated odds ratios in this table
describes the association between CAT and
CHD adjusted for the five covariables AGE,
CHL, ECG, SMK, and HPT because each of
the covariables is contained in the model asV

EXAMPLE (continued)

OR considers coefficients of CAT, CC,d
and CH

ORd¼expð^bþ^d 1 CHLþ^d 2 HPTÞ

b^¼ 12 : 6894
^d 1 ¼ 0 : 0692
^d 2 ¼ 2 : 3318

dOR¼exp½ 12 : 6894 þ 0 : 0692 CHL
þð 2 : 3318 ÞHPTŠ

Must specify:


effect modifiers

Note.OR different for different valuesd
specified for CHL and HPT

200 3.16 0.31
CHL 220 12.61 1.22

240 50.33 4.89



OR adjusts for AGE, CHL, ECG,d
SMK, and HPT (theVvariables)

Presentation: V. Overview on Statistical Inferences for Logistic Regression 119
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