Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
Large samples: both procedures give
approximately the same results

Small or moderate samples:different
results possible; likelihood ratio test

Confidence intervals
 use large sample formulae
 use variance–covariance matrix

No interaction: variance only

Interaction: variances and covar-

  1. Statistical Inferences Using
    ML Techniques

Both testing procedures should give appro-
ximately the same answer in large samples
but may give different results in small or
moderate samples. In the latter case, statisti-
cians prefer the likelihood ratio test to the
Wald test.

Confidence intervals are carried out by using
large sample formulae that make use of the
information in the variance–covariance matrix,
which includes the variances of estimated coef-
ficients together with the covariances of pairs of
estimated coefficients.

An example of the estimated variance–covari-
ance matrix is given here. Note, for example,
that the variance of the coefficient of the CAT
variable is 9.6389, the variance for the CC vari-
able is 0.0002, and the covariance of the coeffi-
cients of CAT and CC is0.0437.

If the model being fit contains no interaction
terms and if the exposure variable is a (0, 1)
variable, then only a variance estimate is
required for computing a confidence interval.
If the model contains interaction terms, then
both variance and covariance estimates are
required; in this latter case, the computations
required are much more complex than when
there is no interaction.

We suggest that the reader review the material
covered here by reading the summary outline
that follows. Then you may work the practice
exercises and test.

In the next chapter, we give a detailed descrip-
tion of how to carry out both testing hypoth-
eses and confidence interval estimation for the
logistic model.


1.5750 –0.6629 –0.0136 0.0034


–0.0021 –0.0049




Intercept 0.0548










Chapters up to this point:

  1. Introduction

  2. Important Special Cases

  3. Computing the Odds Ratio

3 4. ML Techniques: An Overview

This presentation is now complete. In sum-
mary, we have described how ML estimation
works, have distinguished between uncondi-
tional and conditional methods and their
corresponding likelihood functions, and
have given an overview of how to make statis-
tical inferences using ML estimates.

Presentation: V. Overview on Statistical Inferences for Logistic Regression 121
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