dORs¼point estimators
Variability ofdOR considered for
statistical inferences
Two types of inferences:
(1) Testing hypotheses
(2) Interval estimation
Two testing procedures:
(1) Likelihood ratio test: a chi-
square statistic using2lnL^.
(2) Wald test:aZtest using
standard errors listed with
each variable.
Note: Since Z^2 isw^2 1df, the Wald test
can equivalently be considered a
chi-square test.
The estimated model coefficients and the cor-
responding odds ratio estimates that we have
just described are point estimates of unknown
population parameters. Such point estimates
have a certain amount of variability associated
with them, as illustrated, for example, by the
standard errors of each estimated coefficient
provided in the output listing. We consider
the variability of our estimates when we
make statistical inferences about parameters
of interest.
We can use two kinds of inference-making pro-
cedures. One is testing hypotheses about cer-
tain parameters; the other is deriving interval
estimates of certain parameters.
As an example of a test, we may wish to test the
null hypothesis that an odds ratio is equal to
the null value.
Or, as another example, we may wish to test
for evidence of significant interaction, for
instance, whether one or more of the coeffi-
cients of the product terms in the model are
significantly nonzero.
As an example of an interval estimate, we may
wish to obtain a 95% confidence interval for
the adjusted odds ratio for the effect of CAT on
CHD, controlling for the fiveVvariables and
the twoWvariables. Because this model con-
tains interaction terms, we need to specify the
values of theWs to obtain numerical values for
the confidence limits. For instance, we may
want the 95% confidence interval when CHL
equals 220 and HPT equals 1.
When using ML estimation, we can carry out
hypothesis testing by using one of two proce-
dures, thelikelihood ratio testand theWald test.
The likelihood ratio test is a chi-square test that
makes use of maximized likelihood values such
as those shown in the output. The Wald test is a
Ztest; that is, the test statistic is approximately
standard normal. The Wald test makes use of
the standard errors shown in the listing of vari-
ables and associated output information. Each
of these procedures is described in detail in the
next chapter.
(1) Test for H 0 :OR¼ 1
(2) Test for significant interaction,
e.g.,d 16 ¼0?
(3) Interval estimate: 95% confidence
interval for ORCAT, CHD
controlling for 5Vsand2Ws
Interaction: must specifyWs
e.g., 95% confidence interval when
CAT¼220 and HPT¼ 1
120 4. Maximum Likelihood Techniques: An Overview