Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
Gold standard OR estimate controlling for SBP
and ECG: 2.07, Narrowest CI obtained when
only ECG is controlled: OR estimate is 2.08,
Overall conclusion: OR approximately 2, but not
VI. Assessing Interaction Involving Matching
Variables(pages 404–406)
A. Option 1: Add product terms of the formEV 1 i,
whereV 1 iare dummy variables for matching
Model:logit PðXÞ¼aþbEþ~g 1 iV 1 iþ~g 2 jV 2 j
þE~d 1 iV 1 iþE~dkWk;

whereV 2 jare other covariates (not matched)
andWkare effect modifiers defined from other
Criticism of option 1:
 Difficult to identify specific effect modifiers
 Number of parameters may exceedn
B. Option 2: Add product terms of the formE
W1m, whereW1mare the matching variables in
original form.
Model:logit PðXÞ¼aþbEþ~g 1 iV 1 iþ~g 2 jV 2 j
þE~d 1 iW 1 mþE~dkWk;

whereV 2 jare other covariates (not matched)
andWkare effect modifiers defined from other
Criticism of option 2:
 Model is not HWF (i.e.,EW1min model
but notW1m)
But, matching variables are in model in
different ways as both effect modifiers and
C. Other alternatives:
 Do not match on any variable considered as
an effect modifier
 Do not assess interaction for any matching

VII. Pooling Matching Strata(pages 407–409)

A. Example: Pair-match on SMK (0, 1), 100 cases,
60 matched pairs of smokers, 40 matched pairs
of nonsmokers.
B. Controls for two or more matched pairs that
have same SMK status are interchangeable.

Detailed Outline 417
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