B. Correlation: a standardized measure of
covariance that is scale-free.
i. Correlation values range from1toþ1.
ii. Can have correlations between
observations on the same outcome variable.
iii. Can have correlations between
dichotomous variables.
C. Correlation between observations in a cluster
should be accounted for in the analysis.
V. Generalized linear models(pages 503 – 506)
A. Models in the class of GLM include logistic
regression, linear regression, and Poisson
B. Generalized linear model withppredictors is of
the form
gðmÞ¼b 0 þ~
i¼ 1
wheremis the mean response andg(m)isa
function of the mean
C. Three criteria for a GLM:
i. Random component: the outcome follows a
distribution from the exponential family.
ii. Systematic component: the regression
parameters are modeled linearly, as a
function of the mean.
iii. Link function [g(m)]: this is the function
that is modeled linearly with respect to the
regression parameters:
a. Link function for logistic regression:
logit function.
b. Inverse of link function [g^1 (X,b)]¼m.
c. For logistic regression, the inverse of the
logit function is the familiar logistic
model for the probability of an event:
g^1 ðX;bÞ¼m¼
1 þexp aþ~
i¼ 1
D. GLM uses maximum likelihood methods for
parameter estimation, which require
specification of the full likelihood.
E. Quasi-likelihood methods provide an
alternative approach to model development.
530 14. Logistic Regression for Correlated Data: GEE