Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
i. A mean–variance relationship for the
responses is specified.
ii. The full likelihood is not specified.
VI. GEE models(pages 506–507)
A. GEE are generalizations of GLM.
B. In GEE models, as in GLM, a link function [g(m)]
is modeled as linear in the regression parameters.
i. The logit link function is commonly used for
dichotomous outcomes:

gðmÞ¼logit½PðD¼ 1 jXފ¼b 0 þ~


h¼ 1


ii. This model form is identical to the standard
logistic model, but the underlying
assumptions differ.
C. To apply a GEE model, a “working” correlation
structure for within-cluster correlations is
VII. Correlation structure(pages 507 – 510)
A. A correlation matrix in which responses are
correlated within subjects and independent
between subjects is in the form of ablock
diagonal matrix.
i. Subject-specific matrices make up blocks
along the diagonal.
ii. All nondiagonal block entries are zero.
B. In a GEE model, each subject (cluster) has a
common set of correlation parameters.

VIII. Different types of correlation structures
(pages 511–516)
A. Independentcorrelation structure
i. Assumption: responses within a cluster are
ii. The matrix for a given cluster is the identity
B. Exchangeablecorrelation structure
i. Assumption: any two responses within a
cluster have the same correlation (r).
ii. Only one correlation parameter is
iii. Therefore, the order of observations within
a cluster is arbitrary.
C. Autoregressivecorrelation structure
i. Often appropriate when there are repeated
responses over time.

Detailed Outline 531
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