on the highlights of the event being researched, with some photos
and a listing of highly rated seminars.
An extremely effective vehicle to include as well are written
testimonials from pleased and enthusiastic attendees. As discussed
in Chapter 1, these testimonials can be gathered at the event itself
through the qualitative research efforts or gathered later by tele-
phone, in letters by appreciative attendees, or through personal
conversations. Most people love to see their names in print to be
read by peers and colleagues; nevertheless, permission to publish
is essential before printing the follow-up mailing.
Brochure Graphics and Design
Once again for emphasis: Sales start on the cover.Bear in mind
that a “brochure” can range from a single-sheet imprint on inex-
pensive paper, to a one-fold piece providing four printing surfaces,
to a dramatic multifold, four-color brochure on glossy stock. Re-
gardless, the sales message should also be included on the enve-
lope, if the brochure is not designed as a self-mailer. The critical
information once again includes the five Ws of marketing: Who(is
holding the event)? What(is the title of the event)? Where(will the
event be held)? Why(should one attend)? When(will the event be
Benchmarks for Graphic Design
Although there are exceptions to the rules, these general bench-
marks will be helpful to those who design event brochures:
- The brochure should provide a contrast of dark type on
light paper. “Drop-out” lettering, or white lettering on col-
ored paper, may be pretty, but is difficult to read in any
paragraph format. - Long paragraphs and verbose sentences will inhibit con-
tinued reading and interest. Use short, punchy sentences.
Simple lists with bullets or numbers will catch the eye
faster than a paragraph of complex sentences. - The writer should never do a final proofreading personally.
If the author misses an error one time, the odds are great
that he or she will miss it again. Have others proof in the
final stages. The writer should want to know that readers
are clear about the message and impressed by the words-
manship. Proofreaders should be ensured that there is no
Promotion Methods for Association Events 111