Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing:

(ff) #1

are less than $100. This is excellent pricing for the value
you receive, and your list will be open to seeing these offers
and taking a closer look. Your commission will be
approximately 50%, after the small fee Clickbank keeps
(about 7.5%), so this is very worthwhile for your bottom

Clickbank pays you every two weeks for your sales from the
previous pay period, and also holds back what they call an
'allowance' to cover themselves in case of refunds from the
people whom have purchased through your affiliate link.
An envelope with a blue check peering out through the
clear plastic front will arrive like clockwork at your house.
In the beginning, you must have a few sales with different
payment methods – Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal - and
then they will begin paying you regularly. Once you have
received a few checks in the mail you can switch over to
direct deposit.

The next category is products and online courses that sell
in the $100 to $500 range. These take more effort to sell,
and this is the price point where I begin to offer a bonus
when someone purchases through my link. Typically other
people in my niche are promoting these products and
courses as well, so in order to set yourself apart from the
competition offer something of value.

In the beginning I didn't have any products to give as a
bonus, so I offered a 30 or 60 minute phone consultation
to anyone who purchased through my link. This was a

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