(Dana P.) #1

Moral Stories 137


We have learnt from the Mahabharata that there was fierce enmity
between the Kauravas and Pandovas. The Kauravas were one
hundred brothers. They were arrogant and proud. They tried to do
harm to the Pandavas whenever they got a chance. One day the
Kauravas tried to burn the Pandovas and their mother Kunti to death.
But the Pandavas saved themselves by dint of their intelligence.
Then they took the guise of Tapashwi Brahmin hiding their identity
of Kshatriyas. At that time they lived in a city named 'Ekchokra'.
There they took shelter in the family of a Brahmin. They lived on
begging and collecting fruits from the forest. Every day they gave to
Vima the half of what they got, since Vima had a large body. He
needed huge food. His huge body had much strength.
One day Kunti and Vima were staying in the house. Judhishthir
along with his other brothers went in search of food. Suddenly the
members of the Brahmin family began to cry. Kind-hearted Kunti
asked anxiously,
'Why are you all crying? Tell me the cause of your suffering. I'll try
to remove it if I can.'
Then the Brahmin said,
'Do you want to know about our suffering? Listen then, but you
won't be able to take any remedial measure.'
Kunti said,
'Tell me first. See if I can do anything'
The Brahmin began to say,
-'There is a deep forest near this city. A demon lives there. His name
is Bok. Everyday one man, much rice and two buffaloes are to be
given for his food. Today is the turn of our family. Who will go to
the demon to give away his life? That is why we are crying. I am
saying that I will go. The lady Brahmin is saying that she will go.
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