(Dana P.) #1

138 Hindu Religious Studies

And the sons and daughters are saying that they will go. None of us
wants to be alive sending any other member of our family to death.
But one must go. So, we have decided to go the demon Bok all
together. Let him eat us all.'
Listening to everything Kunti said to the Brahmin,
-'Don't worry. I have five sons. One of them will go to the demon.'
The Brahmin said,
-'What are you saying? You are my Brahmin guests coming for
shelter. None of your sons should be killed because of us.'
Kunti said,
-'My second son will go. You can see how huge is his body and so is
his strength. Demon Bok cannot do any harm to him. But there is
one condition.'
The Brahmin asked, 'What is the condition?'
Kunti said, 'You have to keep it secret. You can't disclose it to
Kunti told Vima the reason of their crying and asked him to go to
the Demon Bok. Vima agreed to go with enthusiasm. One is
delighted if one is able to do good to people. Besides, there was an
opportunity for Vima to go to fight after a long time. They were
Kshatriyas in the guise of the Brahmin. It is the duty of the
Kshatriyas to establish peace by fighting and to protect the one who
comes for shelter even at the cost of own life.
Vima set out his journey towards the forest with two buffaloes and
much rice. Going to the forest he started to call the demon Bok,
'Where are you Bok? Come and have your food.'
Demon Bok was very angry. He said,
'Who calls me there by my name?'
He came forward and became more furious. He saw that Vima
himself was eating the rice brought for him. Bok said roaring,
'Who are you? Why are you eating my food in front of me? Do you
wish to go to the house of death earlier?

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