(Ben Green) #1

Structural Design for Architecture



Fig. A2.4 If the conditions of restraint are the same in all
planes a strut will buckle about its weakest axis. Thus, the
element with the rectangular cross-section is less stable in
compression than that with the square cross-section of the
same total area.

/ = r^2 A

where: r = radius of gyration
A = area of cross-section

The effect of second moment of area on the
buckling characteristics of an element can be
seen by considering the behaviour of elements
with different shapes of cross-section. If the
conditions of lateral restraint are the same in
all directions and an increasing amount of axial
load is applied to an element, it will always
buckle about the axis through the centroid of
its cross-section about which the bending
strength is least. This is the axis which gives
the smallest second moment of area. In Fig.
A2.4, for example, the strut with the rectangular
cross-section will fail by compressive instability
at a lower load than that with the square cross-
section, even though their total cross-sectional
areas are the same, because the second
moment of area of the rectangular cross-
section, about one axis through its centroid, is
very small. The fact that the second moments
of area of its cross-section about other axes are
larger than those of the strut with the square
cross-section does not affect its compressive
strength since it buckles about its weakest axis.
Because the quantity second moment of
area must always be calculated with respect to
a particular axis through the cross-section of
an element, the critical load which is calcu-
lated by the Euler formula applies to buckling
in a particular plane. This is the plane which is
normal to the axis which is used to calculate /
(Fig. A2.4). For a given element cross-section, a
number of different critical loads can often be
calculated from the Euler formula depending
on the axis which is chosen for the / value.
Each relates to a particular plane of buckling. If
the conditions of lateral restraint are the same
for all possible planes of buckling, the true
critical load of the element is the value which
is calculated from the smallest value of / of the
cross-section. If the conditions of lateral
restraint are not the same for all buckling
planes the plane for which the ratio of L/l is
greatest determines the critical load.
The property of the cross-section of a
compressive element which is normally used
to gauge the critical load is not in fact the
second moment of area but a related quantity
called the radius of gyration. This is defined by
the equation,

Weak axis

Strong axis

Axis from which
/ calculated.

Plane to which assessment of
buckling based on / relates
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