(Ben Green) #1
The radius of gyration is therefore given by,


The substitution of I = r^2 A is normally made in
the Euler buckling formula which then

Pcr = π^2 E[r/L]^2

This can be rearranged into the form,

Pcr/A = π^2 E[r/L]^2

fcr = π^2 E[r/L]^2 (A2.10)

The introduction of^2 A into the formula
instead of I therefore allows the critical load to
be expressed in terms of a critical average
stress. This is a more convenient form for use
in design.

Design of compression elements to resist buckling
The relationship between critical average stress
and slenderness ratio, which is expressed in
equation (A2.10), is shown in the form of a
sketch graph in Fig. A2.5. This can be used as
the basis of a design method for compression

Fig. A2.5 The relationship between critical load and
slenderness ratio. The more slender the element the lower
is the critical load. The graph shows the relationship as
predicted by the Euler formula (ideal strut) and gives an
indication of the type of relationship which occurs in
practice and which can be derived empirically. The discrep-
ancy is due to the invalidity in practice of one of the
assumptions on which the Euler formula is based, namely
that all of the material is stressed within the elastic range.

The design of a compression element is a
matter of determining a cross-section whose
size and shape are such that its buckling
strength is greater than the compressive load
which will be applied to it. The following
procedure can be used in conjunction with
versions of Fig. A2.5 for particular materials to
achieve this.

1 The compressive force to be carried is deter-
mined from the analysis of the structure and
the effective length of the strut judged from
its actual length and proposed end condi-
tions (see below for an explanation of effec-
tive length and the importance of
considering end conditions).
2 A trial size and shape of cross-section are
3 From the properties of the trial cross-
section and the effective length of the strut
the slenderness ratio is calculated and the
Euler formula (or graph) is used to calculate
the magnitude of the average compressive
stress at the critical load value. This is the
value of the compressive stress which must
not be exceeded if buckling failure is to be
4 The magnitude of the average compressive
stress which will actually occur in the strut
is calculated from the applied compressive
force and the cross-sectional area of the
trial section.
5 If the relationship between the actual stress
and the critical stress is not satisfactory the
properties of the cross-section are amended
and the above sequence repeated. In the
interests of safety and economy it is desir-
able to achieve a cross-section which results
in the actual stress being slightly smaller
than the critical stress but not excessively

The cyclic process is continued until a satisfac-
tory cross-section is achieved.

Slenderness ratio
The critical load of a compressive element is
affected by its length and the fact that the
length term L appears in the lower part of the 255

Appendix 2

Ideal strut

Slenderness ratio


Real strut
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