(Ben Green) #1

Table A2.4 Basic permissible stresses for steel
[suitable for preliminary sizing of elements only.
Not to be used for final design calculations]
(BS 449)

Stress type Basic permissible stress {Grade 43 Steel)

Tension 155 N/mm
Compression 155 N/mm
Bending 165 N/mm
Shear (average) 100 N/mm
Bearing 190 N/mm

Appendix 2

Shear stress is only likely to be critical in cases
of very heavy loading on relatively short spans.
The deflection of the beam can be checked
using the relevant formula from Table A2.3.
The critical requirement is that the maximum
deflection under the action of imposed load
only should not exceed span/360. It is possible
for this limit to be exceeded even if the section
selected is adequately strong, especially if the
load is relatively light and the span long.
Where this occurs a larger size of section than
that required to satisfy the strength criterion
must be selected.

A2.4.3 Columns
Unless there is reason to believe that they will
carry a significant amount of bending moment
columns should be regarded as axially loaded
for the purpose of approximate sizing. For the
approximate sizing of steel structures a trial-
and-error procedure similar to that outlined in
Section A2.3.4 is used and consists of:

1 The selection of a trial cross-section. If the
column is axially loaded and the conditions
of lateral restraint are the same for all
potential buckling planes, the best section
shapes are those which have similar
bending strength about all their principal
axes. The H-shaped universal column (Table
3.3) or square or circular hollow sections
therefore perform best in this situation.
Section shapes in which the bending
strength about one principal axis is signifi-
cantly greater than about the other, such as
the I-shaped universal beam, should be

used if the column is subjected to a combi-
nation of bending and axial load or if the
conditions of lateral restraint are signifi-
cantly different for different planes.
A preliminary estimate of the size of
section which will be required can be
obtained by dividing the axial load by an
estimate of the final value of the permis-
sible stress. Unless the column is very
lightly loaded this will normally be in the
upper third of Table A2.5.

The calculation of the slenderness ratio of
the trial column. As was discussed in
Section A2.3.4, a slenderness ratio applies
to a particular plane of potential buckling. If
the trial cross-section is not symmetrical
and/or the conditions of lateral restraint of
the column are different in different poten-
tial buckling planes the slenderness ratios
for these planes, will also be different. The
permissible compressive stress is deter-
mined by the highest value of slenderness
ratio which is calculated.
For a given potential plane of buckling
the slenderness ratio is calculated from:

slenderness ratio = Le/r

Le is the effective length of the column for
the plane concerned. This is determined
principally by the distance between points
at which the column is restrained against
lateral movement (normally the storey
height of the building). It is affected by the
conditions of restraint at these locations,
however, and in particular with whether or
not any restraint is provided against
rotation. This must be assessed and the
effective length adjusted in accordance with
Table A2.6. In most steel frameworks the
effective length is between 0.7 and 1.0 of the
distance between lateral restraints.
r is the radius of gyration of the cross-
section about the axis which is at right
angles to the potential plane of buckling.
Radii of gyration of cross-sections are given
in Steel Section Tables (see Tables 3.2 and
3.3). 259
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