(Ben Green) #1
Table A2.6 Effective lengths of steel compressive elements for different conditions of end restraint
(after BS 449)

Conditions of end restraint Effective length of element (L = distance between restraints)

Effectively held in position and restrained in direction at both ends 0.7L

Effectively held in position at both ends and restrained in 0.85L
direction at one end

Effectively held in position at both ends but not restrained in L

Effectively held in position and restrained in direction at one end I.5L
and at the other partially restrained in direction but not held in

Effectively held in position and restrained in direction at one 2.0L
end but not held in position or restrained in direction at the
other end

Structural Design for Architecture

The internal geometry of triangulated girders
is arranged so that very small internal angles
(less then 30°) are avoided. The ideal arrange-
ment is one of equilateral triangles.
The individual sub-elements of triangulated
structures can be regarded as carrying either pure
axial tension or pure axial compression. The
magnitudes of the internal forces on any particu-
lar sub-element can be determined by using the
method of sections. This is a version of the 'imaginary
cut' technique. Once the magnitudes of the axial
forces in the sub-elements are known the size is
determined by using the techniques outlined in
Sections A2.4.2 or A2.4.3.
Axial internal forces are best resisted by cross-
section shapes which are symmetrical, such as
circular or square hollow sections. Angle and
channel sections are also commonly used.
The feasibility of a particular structural
proposal can be checked by sizing only the
most heavily loaded of the sub-elements. In
parallel-chord arrangements these are the
horizontal sub-elements at mid-span and the
inclined or vertical sub-elements close to the

A2.4.5 Elements subjected to combined
The basic rule for elements which are
subjected simultaneously to more than one

type of internal force is that the following
equation must be satisfied:

fa/fpa + fb/fpb<1 (A2.12)

where: fa = actual axial stress
f pa = permissible axial stress
fb - actual bending stress
fpb = permissible bending stress

The equation must be satisfied at all locations
in the element. If the internal forces vary along
the length of the element it may be necessary
to check that the equation is satisfied at more
than one location.

A2.5 Reinforced concrete structures

In reinforced concrete structures the elements
are subjected to primary load actions which
are either of the bending type (beams and
slabs) or of the axial compression type
(columns and walls). In the case of bending-
type elements there are two considerations
which affect the overall sizes of the cross-
sections which must be adopted - the provi-
sion of adequate bending strength and the
prevention of excessive deflection. In the case
262 of compressive elements, the prevention of
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