Rave Culture and Religion

(Wang) #1

measures 281;
sunrise 258–2, 278–2;
tradition 255
Goa Gil 25, 220, 256, 259–3, 261, 262
Goa Parties 238, 247
Goffman, Erving 274
Gore, Georgiana 167, 200
gospel music 45, 56, 186–9
Grateful Dead 257
Great Mother 137
Green Ant 36
Grey, Alex 21–4
Grimes, Ronald 84
Groves, D. 227
Guattari, Pierre-Félix 19, 112, 238, 254,
Guerillas of Harmony website 194–8
Gurdjieffian philosophy 221–5
‘Gypsy’ 26

Hall, Stuart 167
Hannan, M. 45
Hardy, Ron 49
Healing Arts Festival 22
healing practices 85, 122, 286–92
Heaton, R.K. 157
‘Heaven is a Rave on Earth’ 34
Hebdige, Dick 172, 188
Heelas, P. 17,20
Heley, Mark 221
Hemment, D. 19, 28, 30
Henges 226–30
heroin 150
heterotopia 32, 170
hikuri see peyote
Hill, Desmond 220–4
Hinduism 254, 261
hip-hop 49–1
history 212
house music:
birth of 90;
features of 49, 186–9;
influence of 49–1;
influences on 186;
paganism and 25;
replacements in 50;

salvation and 33–6;
see also acid house;
deep house music
House Nation 221
Howells, Kim 190
Hugh-Jones, Stephen 126
Huichol community 123–9, 133, 134
humanizing 90–4
Hutson, Scott 33, 84;
connectedness 85;
as guides 167;
personal development 288;
techno-shamanic DJ 295
Huyssen, A. 55
hyper-millennialism 17, 31–4
Hyperreal 197, 200
hyperthermia 145

I Ching 211
Ibiza 236–41, 246–52
iconography 68–2
ICT (information communication
technology) 46–9, 49
idealism 93
identity 88, 109–13, 117–1
ideology 144
illumination 259
‘In the Garden’ 26
incorporation 177
India see Goa
infancy 114
info-line system 70
instituant and instituted 62, 63–8
intensity 74–8
intersubjectivity 113–17
Irigaray, Luce 56
Israel 238
Ivakhiv, Adrian 17, 21

jacking 56
Jefferson, Tony 167
jen 31
Joos, Jean-Ernest 71, 74
Jordan, Tim 110–14, 276
Jörg 266–70
Judith, Anodea 223–7

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