Rave Culture and Religion

(Wang) #1

Kagenna 210
Kartomi, Margaret 200
Kaulingfreks, Ruud 274
Keehn, Jason see Cinnamon Twist
Keen, Sam 137
ketamine 148
Kielarowski, Henry (a.k.a. Apollo) 33
Kiely, W.F. 144
knowledge 69–3
Knuckles, Frankie 21, 49, 56–8
Koinonea 223
Kozinets, Robert V 297, 298
Kraftwerk 30, 49
Kundalini 22, 254

Lacan,Jacques 113, 114
Land, N. 51
Land of Oz 27
Lang, Fritz 55
language 68–2;
flight from 107–13;

pre-communication 114;
and the self 113;
writing ritual-ness 167–71
Laski, Marghanita 105
Last Night a DJ Saved My Life (Brewster) 32
Latino house music 56
Laughlin, C.D. 154
Laurent 261, 263–7
Leary, Timothy 73, 276
leisure 65
Lenton, S. 148
Levan, Larry 21, 187
levelling 90–4
liberation 17
licensing laws 184
liminality 92, 286;
and liminoid 167, 179n.1;
studies of 166–8;
techniques of 172–8
limit-experiences 243–50
locations, social institutions and 67–1
Loft parties 187
London 145, 185–8, 187–90, 220
looping 173, 179n.6
Love Parade 50

LSD (Lysergic acid diethlamide) 25–8, 136,
acceptability of 150;
MDMA and 136;
psychedelic asceticism 244;
Zen Buddhism 275–8
Luh Ketut Suryani 200
Lysloff, René 197

machine beat 53
body music and 30;
men and 46–9, 54–7
machinic system 274
Maffesoli, M. 29, 72, 86
Major Jenkins, John 212
Malbon, Ben 27, 37, 53, 84, 86, 87, 88
man and machine 46–9, 54–7
Manali 238
Manchester 185
Mancuso, David 187
Marett, R.R. 62
marginalization 69
marijuana 157
Martin, Daniel 170
masculinity 54–6, 56
May, Beverly 170
May, Derrick 49
May, Todd 272
Mayan Calendar 212, 224
The Mayan Factor (Argüelles) 224
McCall, Tara 88, 167
McGee, R. 155
McKenna, Terrence 26, 211–18, 216, 295
McManus,J. 154
McRobbie, Angela 88, 108
MCs 188–1, 192
MDMA (Ecstasy):
centrality of 143;
dealing with 73;
deaths 144–7;
empathogenic affects 144, 158n.4;
flashback phenomenon 152–4;
a ‘holy sacrament’ 150;
in Ibiza 241;
interpersonal differences 137–40;
limits of 150;


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