Awakening and Insight: Zen Buddhism and Psychotherapy

(Martin Jones) #1

living in 100, 125, 190, 193, 196, 245,
see also ‘wholehearted attentiveness’
principium individuationis 123;
see also individuation
projection 71, 73, 74, 156
projective identification 84, 156
Protestantism 169
psyche 24, 25, 45;
monarchic 49, 54, 55;
structure 47, 49
psychiatry 67
psychoanalysis 77, 134;
birth of 71;
and Buddhism 3, 38, 65, 80, 89, 106,
differentiation from Buddhism 91;
Freud on 79;
integration with Buddhism 94;
and meditation 97;
self 93;
similarities to Buddhism 89;
as substitute for Christianity 122;
two-person model 83;
and Zen Buddhism 3, 38, 80, 106
psychologism 24
psychology 24;
and Buddhism 4, 26, 169, 171;
Buddhist 234;
Jung-Hisamatsu dialogue 128;
locating 81, 169, 170;
and religion 24, 26, 121;
and Zen Buddhism 4, 26
American Zen Buddhist 148;
call for the integration of psychotherapy
and Buddhism 159;
evenly suspended attention of 176;
and meditation 152, 159, 176
alleviation of suffering through 3, 5, 6, 8,
16, 30, 32, 63, 110, 128, 185, 192;
and American Zen Buddhism 145;
and Buddhism 1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 72, 26, 39,
182, 241;
Buddhism as 172;
and creativity 241;

defining 183;
differentiation from Buddhism 182, 183,
194, 196;
‘Easterness’ 19;
‘I’ 131;
integration with American Zen
Buddhism 158;
integration with Buddhism 182;
and Japanese Buddhism 15;
Japanese concepts of 238;
Japanization 16;
Jung-Hisamatsu dialogue 110, 128;
and meditation 174;
‘path’ metaphor 185, 191;
as psychological/medical treatment 183;
and religion 25;
scientific standards of 184;
similarities to Buddhism 182, 196;
and Western religion 15;
‘Westerness’ 13, 72, 16;
and Zen Buddhism 3, 77, 145, 244
psychotic breaks 157

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy 163
re-integration 214
dialectical view 192;
illusory nature 30
Reformation 169
regression, adaptive 151
regressive reactivation 157
relational model of psychology 83
relationships, variability 251
religion 203, 208, 215;
Jung’s psychological perspective of 121;
and psychology 24, 26, 121;
and psychotherapy 25;
see also specific religions
religious meaning systems 183
repetition, patterns of 95
resistance 95, 100
Ri (world soul) 208, 209
Rinzai Zen 4, 7, 240, 245
rites de passage 213
ritual 169

sacred 100


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