Awakening and Insight: Zen Buddhism and Psychotherapy

(Martin Jones) #1

sadness 251
samadhi (concentration) 185, 240, 241
samsara 190, 219, 223
science 13, 23, 66, 142, 235, 236
Self 47, 91, 112, 133, 158, 187, 188, 203,
as alter ego 49;
archetype of 7, 70;
assimilation of the ego as psychic
catastrophe 48;
authentic 112;
awakening 32, 33, 34, 35, 41;
beyond the separate 99;
Big Self 203;
Buddhist conceptions of 28, 91, 159,
centralization 231;
common 112;
as conjunction of opposites 126;
as conscious and unconscious 108;
consciousness of 108, 187;
defining 208, 209, 213;
development 159, 232;
dysregulation of the sense of 192, 194;
and the ego 47, 55, 120, 124, 201, 207,
211, 227;
emptiness 177;
essenceless 177;
fixed image of 92, 94;
formless/substanceless 30, 32, 112, 113,
fundamental 112;
higher 53, 54;
individuation of 48, 49, 212;
interdependence on the other 72;
isolation of 230;
Japanese recognition 7;
Jungian conception 48;
and the manas-consciousness 223;
as not-Self 190;
psychoanalytic conception of 93;
in psychotherapy 159;
and religion 215;
and suffering 30, 68;
time-free 209, 214;
transcendence of 233;
true 112, 113;
unfolding of through the ego 214;

unknown nature of 108;
Western conception of 92, 93;
wider 54, 54;
in Zen Buddhism 112, 113, 154;
see also non-self
self-analysis 134
self-attachment 223, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231
self-control 241
self-denial 120, 121, 122, 124, 160
self-emancipation 33, 37
self-observation method, artificial/natural
self-reflection 25
‘selfish’ gene 67
selflessness 92, 93;
see also No-self;
separation-individuation 92
separation-integration 93
shadow 208, 209
Shingon Buddhism 170
sila (cultivation of moral rules) 185
social location, of Buddhism 169, 173, 174,
Soto sect of Zen Buddhism 4, 7
soul making 212
spiritual bypassing 158
spiritual communities 147
spiritual crises 66
splitting, archetypal 139
stillness 249
stress reduction 149
subject-object duality 70, 76
subjectivity 48, 91, 190;
fundamental 31, 33;
mastering 76
subpersonalities, integration 213
suffering 29, 31, 32, 34, 38, 40, 54, 120, 201,
203, 237;
alleviation through Buddhism 3, 5, 6, 8,
16, 63, 68, 69, 72, 74, 171, 219, 220,
228, 230, 233;
alleviation through psychotherapy 3, 5,
6, 8, 16, 30, 32, 63, 110, 128, 185, 192;
attitudes to 111;
as biologically determined 65, 67;
causes 231, 233;
conscious attitudes to 111;

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