Awakening and Insight: Zen Buddhism and Psychotherapy

(Martin Jones) #1

absolute 220, 221;
see also oneness
universal aspect 174
universalism 236

Vajrayana (tantric Buddhism) 170
variability 250, 254;
see also impermanence
vexing passions 221, 223, 225;
primary and secondary 222
Vimalakirti Sutra 34
virtues 222
void 152

Way 186, 187, 191
attitudes towards Buddhism 235;
Buddhism in 18;
Buddhism and psychotherapy in 13, 13;
cultural crisis 19;
defining 19;
introduction of Buddhism to 2, 119;
Kyoto conference participants 1, 1, 2, 5,
sociopathological interest in Buddhism
Western religions:
and Buddhism 23;
see also specific religions
Westernization 17
white Buddhism 147
‘wholehearted attentiveness’ 81
will 120, 121, 122, 123
wisdom 226, 250;
four wisdoms 224, 225, 226
Wise Mind principle 193, 194, 196
word association 204
working alliance see therapeutic alliance
‘working through’ experiences 95
World Parliament of Religions, 1893 145
world problems 23, 24, 25
world religions 22, 23, 26;
see also specific religions
world views 23, 56, 182, 192
wu-hsin (no-mind) 107

Yoga Sutra 112

Yogacara School of Buddhism 169, 173, 217,
221, 237, 240, 242;
see also Consciousness-only School

zazen see meditation
Zen Buddhism 1, 4, 7, 103, 120, 127;
alleviation of suffering 72, 74;
American 145;
awakening 32, 37;
comparisons with Jungian psychology
and creativity 234, 241;
and DBT 192, 196;
dependent co-arising 33;
doubt (the Great Death) 188;
emptiness 140, 143;
goals of the study of 19;
interdependence 72, 74;
Jung-Hisamatsu dialogue 28, 29, 106,
112, 113;
karma 203;
koan practice 99;
meaning of life 182;
meditation 143, 169, 192, 240, 248, 254;
and psychoanalysis 38, 80, 106, 112, 113;
and psychology 26, 236, 238, 239, 240;
and psychotherapy 3, 77, 145, 244;
Rinzai 4, 7, 240, 245;
self seen as enemy 154;
self-emancipation 34;
Soto 4, 7;
in the West 18, 169, 176, 235
Zofingia Lectures 121

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