Awakening and Insight: Zen Buddhism and Psychotherapy

(Martin Jones) #1

existential 185, 186, 195, 229, 230, 232;
going beyond 225;
lack of understanding of the origins of 68;
Linehan on 195;
necessity of 111;
neurotic 185;
Nishitani’s conception of 195;
realization of another’s 121;
subjective 231;
transformation into compassion 76;
US fear of 65;
see also dukkha
‘suffering-with’ 74
Switzerland 3, 103
symbolism 122
synchronicity 141
Systems Theory 209

Tao 126, 208, 213
technology 235
textual authority 169
theology-psychology model 26
therapeutic alliance 186;
alleviation of human suffering 72, 75;
based on mother-child dyad 86, 213;
impact of Zen on 247, 250, 252, 253;
interdependence 71, 74, 75, 83;
koans 99;
neutrality 82;
transference/countertransference 71;
transformative potential 86
therapist 38;
American Zen Buddhist 148, 152;
attention of 72, 79, 82, 152, 176, 248,
dreamed death of 137;
exploitation of clients 155;
healer archetype 139;
ignorance 154;
integration of psychotherapy and Zen
meditation 159;
and meditation 98, 152, 154, 159, 160;
similarities to the role of master 196;
transformation of 84, 137;
see also psychotherapist
Theravada Buddhism 237
‘three trainings’ 185

Tibetan Buddhism 123, 125
time delay 204
tolerance 150
transcendence 99, 113, 233
transcendent function 74, 125, 176
transference 71, 73, 84, 252, 254;
idealization 156;
Kohutian mirroring 156;
master-student relationship 155;
and meditation in psychotherapy 161
transformation 195;
Buddhist 63, 68, 72, 74, 83, 85, 223,
227, 231;
facilitation 151;
of suffering 63, 68, 74, 185;
of the therapist 84, 137;
through psychotherapy 83, 84, 85, 86;
through Zen Buddhism 83, 85, 86;
see also samsara
transformation-process 91, 100
transitional space 85
True Nature (enlightened mind) 155, 156
two-person (relational) model of psychology

ultimate realization 225
unconditional presence 152
unconscious 48, 49, 54, 113, 124, 142;
alleviation of suffering 110, 111;
center 50, 52;
and consciousness 108, 124, 136, 176;
and ego consciousness 124, 136;
and foundational consciousness 173;
as generator of empirical personality 136;
in Japanese psychology 240;
liberation from 33, 38;
personal 107;
see also archetypes;
collective unconscious
United States 169, 169;
fear of suffering 65;
introduction of Buddhism to 2;
mis-use of meditation 177;
and ‘Westerness’ 20;
see also American;


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