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(Barry) #1

The lady stude on her castle wa',
Beheld baith dale and down:
There she was ware of a host of men
Cum ryding towards the toun.

"O seeze nat, my mirry men a'?
O seeze nat quhat I see?
Methinks I see a host of men:
I marveil quha they be."

She weend it had been hir luvely lord,
As he cam ryding hame;
It was the traitor Edom O' Gordon,
Quha reckt nae sin nor shame.

She had nae sooner buskit hirsel,
And putten on hir goun,
But Edom O' Gordon and his men
Were round about the toun.

They had nae sooner supper sett,
Nae sooner said the grace,
But Edom O' Gordon and his men
Were light about the place.

The lady ran up to hir towir head,
Sa fast as she could hie,
To see if by hir fair speeches
She could wi' him agree.

But quhan he see this lady saif,
And hir yates all locked fast,
He fell into a rage of wrath,
And his look was all aghast.

"Cum doun to me,ze lady gay,
Cum doun, cum doun to me:
This night sall ye lig within mine armes,
To-morrow my bride sall be."

"I winnae cum dounze fals Gordon,
I winnae cum doun to thee;
I winna forsake my ain dear lord,
That is sae far frae me."

"Give owrezour house,ze lady fair,
Give owrezour house to me,
Or I sall brenn yoursel therein,
Bot andzour babies three."

"I winnae give owre,ze false Gordon,
To nae sik traitor aszee;
And ifze brenn my ain dear babes,
My lord sall makeze drie."

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