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(Barry) #1

"But reach me hither my guid bend-bowe
Mine arrows one by one
For, but an I pierce that bluidy butcher,
My babes we been undone."

She stude upon hir castle wa',
And let twa arrows flee;
She mist that bluidy butchers hart,
And only raz'd his knee.

"Set fire to the house," quo' fals Gordon,
All wood wi' dule and ire:
"Fals lady,ze sall rue this deid,
Asze bren in the fire."

"Wae worth, wae worthze, Jock my man,
I paidze weilzour fee;
Quhy powze out the ground-wa' stane,
Lets in the reek to me?

"And ein wae worthze, Jock my man,
I paidze weilzour hire;
Quhy powze out the ground-wa' stane,
To me lets in the fire?"

"ze paid me weil my hire, lady;

ze paid me weil my fee:
But now I'm Edom O' Gordons man,
Maun either doe or die."

O than bespaik hir little son,
Sate on the nourice' knee:
Sayes, "Mither deare, gi' owre this house,
For the reek it smithers me."

"I wad gie a' my gowd, my childe,
Say wad I a' my fee,
For ane blast o' the westlin wind,
To blaw the reek frae thee."

O then bespaik hir dochter dear,
She was baith jimp and sma:
"O row me in a pair o' sheits,
And tow me owre the wa."

Thuy rowed hir in a pair o' sheits,
And towd hir owre the wa:
But on the point of Gordons spear
She gat a deadly fa.

O bonnie bonnie was hir mouth,
And cherry were her cheiks,
And clear clear was hirzellow hair,
Whereon the reid bluid dreips.

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