Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1


But what are you talking about! Don’t interrupt ¬─
How long do you think before the moment when it
Finally got discovered, did he come up
With the idea the world had the New World in it!
No luck at first. At first he couldn’t beg,
Finagle, argue people to the truth.
They just laughed. He takes a hardboiled egg:
“All right, you unbelievers, look. Here’s proof!”
Then and there, right before their noses
He rolls his sleeves up, gingerly, gingerly poises
The egg ─ Then pop. Ta dah! It stands erect!
And when they see it standing on its toes
Even the most recalcitrant stiff necked
Unbeliever hears, believes, and knows.
(Translated by John Du Val)

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