Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1


But what about them! ─ Huh! Them! Oh, yeah, as they
Were wading through deep moss with knives to hack
The tangled weeds and vines that held them back
From making even slow and hard headway,
Suddenly they stumbled on a face
Painted all colors like a spinning top.
Its head was covered with a feather mop.
It had no clothes in any other place.
They halted, trembling, tried to shed their fear:
“Hey you, who are you! Tell us,” they began.
“Hey, who should I be! I’m a wild man.
But you guys! Who are you! Who sent you here!”
“You’ll find out soon,” they answered, “by St. Peter.
But first you have to take us to your leader.”
(Translated by John Du Val)

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