Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

Novecento, Turin, 1987; Letteratura Italiana.

Storia e geografia. Età Contemporanea, 3 vols,

(ed. Alberto Asor Rosa), Turin, 1989; Franco

Brevini, Le parole perdute, Turin, 1990;

Giacinto Spagnoletti-Cesare Vivaldi eds.,

Poesia dialettale dal Rinascimento ad oggi, 2

vols, Milan 1991], whether due to

insufficient research, to calculated editorial

strategies, or also, unfortunately, to the

inadequate efforts of local cultural policies to

recognize, organize and distribute

nationwide a body of works that, although

relatively young, possesses a depth of

motivations, styles, formal structures, and is

not at all lacking in aesthetic achievements.

We spoke of “peculiarity” of the Molisan

poetic tradition in dialect, inasmuch as this

tradition is intimately bound to the very

history of the Molisan province, self-

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