Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1


The chapter of Molisan literature in

dialect (wholly contained in this century)

displays elements so peculiar with respect to

the national context, that it requires some

indispensable historical and cultural

premises to the aesthetic and critical exegesis

of the texts, which encompass a period of

time ranging from 1910 (Sciure de fratta, by

Eugenio Cirese) to 1992 (Moliseide, by Giose

Rimanelli). A very brief tradition, as can be

inferred, without deep roots, mostly

unknown to scholars of regional literatures

and dialectology, as witnessed by the more

or less recent anthologies of dialect poetry

[M. Chiesa-G. Tesio (edited by), Le parole di

legno. Poesia in dialetto del ‘900. 2 vols, Milan,

1984; Franco Brevini ed., Poeti dialettali del

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