Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

his relatively less developed native region in

a world dominated by mass communication

and extremely rapid changes at all levels of

the social spectrum. His political

commitment, variously manifested both in

his literary production and in his activity as

a journalist and lecturer, exhibits manifold

components, variously articulated and

complex, which gravitate around a single

original emotional core: the attachment to

his land and the need, anthropological in

nature, to bear witness to a culture which,

while in strong regression with respect to

the dominant culture, is a conveyer of values

whose horizon is vaster than the historical

moment of crisis, both in depth, that is

rooted in the human psyche and therefore

metahistorical, and in extension, in their

transnational and transclassist aspect.

Therefore the use of dialect in the poems of

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