Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

piece has been found again, the lost Molise,

through the journey into language: hence

the epic title of the collection, metaphor of a

voyage of the mind, not heroic, but simply

Orphic, as redemptive as dream, illusory as

words, “like a fly droning around a globe of

light.” Therefore the existential motif (the

search for the missing piece) in Rimanelli at

least combines with a strict linguistic and

literary “recherche.” Again Bonaffini

fittingly writes that “This return to origins,

so central to Rimanelli’s most recent work

and at the heart of the poems of Moliseide, is

a controlled, purposeful regression, a

remapping and a reordering of one’s life in

the light of a deeper and fuller

understanding. A regression ‘along the

planes of being’ through ‘the regression

from one language to another ─ anterior and

infinitely purer,’ as Pasolini described his

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