Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

Lang: 1992, p.XXIV and relative notes.

Another factor affects the quality of

Rimanelli’s poetry, which confirms what

was just said: his condition as an emigrant

and voluntary exile in the U.S. obliged to

reconstruct his original world (now

“dimmed,” yet darkly pulsating in his

consciousness and memory, never really

removed, or rejected, or erased) of that

missing part of himself, a man without a

home and never really fulfilled, by means of

the only way through to something that no

longer exists: language. His maternal

language, I mean, rediscovered and

refurbished in contemporary literary culture,

levelled by the desemanticized models of the

mass media, as instrument with a high

expressive potential, even though

endophasic par excellence.

In these “songs” of Moliseide the missing

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