Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

derided (when they are depicted in a reality

other than the original) and pitied” (Nigro,

1981). In the Lavello dialect are also written

the poems of Carmine D’Antonio published

in 1982, Lavidd’ iè semb’ Lavidd’ [Lavello Is

Always Lavello] where, in a descriptive

tone, he reflects on the human types and the

town’s situation, both with ample

borrowings from folklore and with a

measure of detached irony. In 1981 Andrea

Mancusi presented, in the Avigliano dialect,

La matréia [The Stepmother]. To the

mournful conditions following an

earthquake are dedicated the poems of Cos’

e fatte d’la terra mia [Things and Events of

My Land] (Potenza, Olita) by Filippo

Langone. In 1984 Enza Scutari published

with Volonnino her poems in the dialect of

the Albanians, for centuries present in

groups across our region. In the dialect of

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