Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

traces the cycle of life, the events after the

1980 earthquake, loneliness but also the

Carnival and the crowded feast of the Black


The review Nodi, promoted by Antonio

Lo Tierzo, in the nine issues published

between 1979 and 1985 published and

reviewed dialect poets. In Matera, edited by

Raffaele La Macchia, is published the

Bollettino della Biblioteca Provinciale di

Matera, which often reports on research or

bibliographical references dealing with

dialect literature.

Franco Noviello, a high-school principal,

edited a large collection of Canti popolari

della Basilicata (Bella, 1976), and for five

years has been directing the review Rassegna

delle tradizioni popolari (Schena, Fasano), in

which one can find both essays on dialects

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