12SrDNA(mitochondrialgene) 141-144
I6S rDNA (mitochondrial gene) 141-144 in Merrimack River 324-325 208, 220
I8S rDNA(nucleargene) 141-142, 146
Acipenser 351-353 in the Danube River 185,193, 208
life history 324-328, 331-332, 348-353
migration323-325, 328-330,349, in the Caspian Sea 209, 214
palatquadrate shape 47 fishery 193, 210, 214
174 in the Pee Dee River 323, 330 reproduction 214–215
Acipenser gueldenstaedtii (Russian sturgeon)
biogeography 41, 43, 128, 158, 169,
in the Caspian Sea 215-216 phylogeny 45 status 203, 206
feeding adaptations 119 population size 321-323, 330 taxonomy 158
fossil forms 174
locomotion adaptation 12 1
molecular phylogeny 147-148 quadratojugal bone 47 159
molecular variation in 159
morphological characters 78, 81, 83,
in the Potomac River 322
predation on 331
reproduction 324-327, 352- 353
in the Saint John River 322, 324-325,
in the Volga River 209, 214–215
Acipenser kikuchii (=A. sinensis), taxonomy
Acipenser medirostris (green sturgeon)
fishery 412
86 - 7.89-91.93.95-6,99, 101, 104, 331 spawning rivers 169
106-7,114-6 in the Santee-Cooper River 323-324 systematics 41
osteological methods 77
phylogeny 43, 64, 116, 128, 145,
polyploidy in 136 stocking 323
range 31 in the Susquehanna River 322 spawning rivers 169
rostralexpansion 120 taxonomy 159 systematics 41
speciation 128, 148 Acipenser dabryanus (Dabry’s sturgeon) taxonomy 158
systematics 26, 39, 41-44, 147
taxonomy 157-160,386- 388 biogeography257–258 taxonomy 159
230 distribution 259 taxonomy 160
in the Savannah River 322-324, 330
spawning 324-326, 328-331, 350, 352
taxonomy 158 - 159
in the Tumnin River 158
in the Amur River 23 1–232
147 - 149, 171, 180 status 319,322,356 Acipenser mikadoi(Sakhalin sturgeon) 406
artificial reproduction 262
compared to Acipenser sinensis 259
anthropogenic impacts 221 fishery 262
fishery 226-227 natural history 259-262 in the Aral Sea 378
natural history 180,221- 228 status 258, 433
andpollution 227 taxonomy 158,257
status 226 in the Yangtze River 177, 180,246, fishery 197
taxonomy 158,225-226 253,257-263, 433 natural history 196, 378
Acipenser multiscutatus (=A. schrenckii),
Acipenser naccarii (Adriatic sturgeon),
Acipenser nudiventris (ship sturgeon) 208
Acipenser baerii (Siberian sturgeon) 43, 223,
dams, impact of 374
in the Danube River 185, 196–197
Acipenser brevirostrum (shortnose sturgeon) Acipenser fulvescens(lake sturgeon) 43 status39, 199–197, 203, 373
43, 184 anthropogenic impacts 303-304, taxonomy 158
andAcipenser oxyrinchus356-357 303-305 Acipenser oxyrinchus(American Atlantic
in Altamaha River 322-323,331 biogeography 181,300–303,311
artificialreproduction323 conservation recommendations 316
in Atlantic Coastal Rivers 319 dams, impact of 303
biogeography319-320 distribution 299–301 anthropogenicimpacts339- 341
in the Cape Fear River 322-323 fishery302-303.307-308,313-316. artificialreproduction 343–345
in Chesapeake Bay 322 412 biogeography 181,336
in the Connecticut River 318,321, genetics 301-302, 308,386,389- 390 fishery 338-343,411
dams, impact on 318, 323-324,
in Delaware River 322, 325, 330
feeding 327, 351, 353
fishery 332
freshwater amphidromy 178 spawning 180 384
habitat327–328 stock identification388- 390 in the Suwannee River 345
in the Hudson River 220,321,324, taxonomy 159 taxonomy 159,386
sturgeon) 35, 43, 184, 310, 384
andAcipenser brevirostrum 356–357
andAcipenser sturio 386
324-325,329-330 habitat 303 genetics 336,386-387,393- 394
in Manitoba 307
in the Menominee River 3 1 1–3 16
in Ontario 307
population status 305–308, 313–316
in Quebec 305,308
in the Hudson River 347–357
natural history 336–338, 345, 354- 356
population structures 337
in the Saint John River 340
in the St. Lawrence River 310,340,
growth 324,350,352–353 status 305–309 Status 335, 340, 347-348,356
347-357 Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi (Gulf sturgeon)
* Prepared by Alice G. Klingener, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, U.S.A.
Species and subject index*