biogeography 174
branchiostegal number 58
Jurassic paddlefish 28, 32
morphological characters 53-54, 58
systematics 36, 39, 53- 54
morphological characters 115
systematic relationships 39
†Protoscaphirhynchus squamosus
phylogenetic analysis 45
systematics 45
protractor hyomandibularis muscle 59
Psephurus gladius (Chinese paddlefish) 26,
†Protoscaphirhynchus 28
36 - 37, 246, 253, 433
artificial reproduction 267
conservationefforts 267 - 268
morphological characters 78, 86,
91 - 93, 95, 99, 102-103, 105, 114,
natural history 177, 247
phylogenetics 119
status 247
systematics 39
inthe Yangtze River 246- 247
Pseudoscaphirhynchus 74
and Aral Sea drying 429
benthic adaptation 123
biogeography 180
morphological characters 81, 86-87,
osteological methods 76
peramorphyin 123
potamodromy 177
systematics 39,43-44, 117, 147
(Syr-Dar shovelnose sturgeon) 26,373,
90, 101, 107, 112- 116
status 381- 383
Pseudoscaphirhynchus fedtschenkoi
morphotypes 77
status 44, 373, 382
Pseudoscaphirhynchus hermanni (small
Amu-Dar shovelnose sturgeon)
description 381- 382
distribution 382
extinction of 373
status 44,382
Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni (large
Amu-Dar shovelnose sturgeon)
artificial propagation 378
natural history 376-377, 381
† status 44,373,376,381
Pteronisculus,morphological characters 86
PyasinaRiver,Acipenser baerii in 224
quadratojugal bone 47, 53
Quebec,Acipenser fulvescens in305,308
races, winter and vernal 18, 178
ram ventilation, and filter feeding 60- 61
rangesee biogeography; distribution also
regulations, of fisheries, see under fishery
reproduction 265
inAcipenser baerii 227 - 228
under natural history inindividual taxa
inAcipenser brevirostrum 324 - 327,
inAcipenser oxyrinchus 354, 355
inAcipenser schrenckii 236,250- 251
inAcipensersinensis 250 - 25 1
inAcipenser sturio 364 - 365, 367
inAcipenser transmontanus 265 - 276
in Acipenseridae 408- 409
inthe Amur River 235 - 236,250- 251
and eggs-per-recruit (EPR) 400- 401
and fishing mortality 400- 403
inHusodauricus 235
inPsephurus gladius 247
inScaphirhynchw platorynchus
293 - 293
threatsto 429
in the Yangtze River 247, 250- 252
see alsoartificial reproduction; spawning
352 - 353
adaptation for feeding 120- 121
evolution of 59- 61
respiratory shunt 120
restorationseestockingor under individual
RFLP (restriction fragment length
inAcipenser fulvescens 390
inAcipenser oxyrinchus336, 393- 394
inAcipenser transmontanus 390
inmtDNA analysis 389-391, 393- 394
and stock identification 391
Rioni River, Acipenser sturio in359, 365
Romania, sturgeon fishery 203
rostral bones 49,52-53,99, 101, 107
seealsoborder rostral bones; dorsal
rostral shield; ventral rostral bone
rostral canal shape 53,55,85- 86
rostrum expansion 52, 120- 121
benthic adaptation and 119
Russian sturgeon seeAcipenser
Saint John River
Acipenser brevirostrum in 322,
Acipenser oxyrinchus in 340
Sakhalin sturgeonseeAcipenser mikadoi
inthe Black Sea 205
inthe Caspian Sea 216
andHuso dauricus 234
toleranceinAcipenseridae 408
Acipenser brevirostumin 323 - 324
Santee-Cooper River
† dams 323-324,329
Saurichthys 33
morphological characters 51
relationship to Acipenseriformes 34
Acipenser brevirostumin 322-324,
dams 340
Savannah River
scalation 51, 121
benthic adaptation 119, 121
scales 47, 78
Scaphirhynchinae, phylogeny 128
benthic adaptation 119-120, 122
biogeography 63, 169, 180
morphological characters 52, 83, 91,
phylogeny 118, 128
potamodromy 177
systematics 44
benthic adaptation 119- 123
biogeography 180
distribution 292- 293
genetics 388- 389
habitat 45
locomotion, adaptations 121
inthe Missouri River 389
morphological characters 48, 78, 81,
93, 95 - 96, 99, 103, 105, 107
Scaphirhynchus 74
86 - 87, 89-90, 101, 107, 113,
115 - 116
osteological methods 76
potamodromy 177
status 395
systematics 26, 39, 44, 117, 147
taxonomy 388,395
variation in 29,395
Scaphirhynchus albus, status 45,388,412,
Scaphirhynchus platorynchus (shovelnose
sturgeon) 45, 290, 292-296, 412
Scaphirhynchus suttkusi(Alabama
shovelnose sturgeon) 45, 292, 387-388,
412, 418- 419
420 - 421
scapulocoracoid bone 74.78, 87, 89, 116
sea level, of the Caspian Sea 214,216
Sea of Azov, Acipenserspp. in 158
Sea of Japan,Acipenser mikadoiin 159
sensory systems, evolution of 63- 64
scutes 54, 77- 78
seealsoampullary organs; barbels;
visual systems
shortnose sturgeon see Acipenser
shoulder girdle denticles 50
Siberian sturgeon see Acipenser baerii
skull expansionseerostrum expansion
Soviet Union (former)regional faunas 28
spawning 169, 178-179, 408-409
Acipenser brevirostrum 324 - 326,
Acipenser dabryanus 261 - 262
Acipenser gueldenstaedtii 214
Acipensernudiventris 378
Acipenser oxyrinchus 336-337, 354
Acipenser schrenckii 236
Acipenser sinensis 25 1- 252
Acipenser stellatus 196, 213
Acipenser sturio 361, 364
inthe Amur River 234-236, 245
inthe Caspian Sea 214, 216
328 - 331, 350, 352