evolutionof 61 †Strongylosteus, biogeography 173 in Acipenser 118
Husodauricus234-236, 245 sturgeonsseeAcipenseridae
Husohuso211-213 subopercle bone 47- 48, 53-54
Psephurus gladius 267 supracleithrum 54-55, 58, 86-87, 89
Scaphirhynchus platorynchus293-294 supraneural bone 58, 86
stock levels 401-402 Susquehanna River,Acipenser brevirostrum
in the Ural River 209-210
in the Volga River 209-210, 213, 216 Suwannee River,Acipenser oxyrinchusin
inthe Yangtze River 25 1-252, 267
Syr-Darya River,Pseudoscaphirhynchusin
inAcipenseridae 124
genetic 132, 386-390
molecular 133, 143, 148, 160, 389
in morphological characters 124
in phylogenetic studies 29
insystematicstudies 65
seealsounder individual taxa
ventral rostral bone 101, 107
vernal race seeraces
visual systems, evolution of 63
Volga River, sturgeons in 61, 179, 209-216
impacts; hydrological changes
in 322
spawning rivers 159, 168-169, 174, 180
spawning rivers seealso under individual
speciation, in Acipenser128, 138-139, 148
St. Lawrence River, Acipenser oxyrinchus in
status216-217, 423-429, seealsounder
stellate bones 53
stellate sturgeon seeAcipenser stellatus
sterletseeAcipenser ruthenus
stock enhancement seeartificial reproduction
stock identification (genetic) 389-393, 395 tooth loss 49-50 248-25 1
Acipenser brevirostrum(shortnose trunk scalation 51 263, 433
sturgeon) 323 Tumnin(Datta)River,Acipenser medirostris fishery 252-253
in the Aral Sea 379 in 158,406 geography 246-253
intheColumbia River 414
dangersof 333 212-213 †Yanosteus36, 174
rivers systematics 28-29, 31, 33-45, 47 vitellogenesis 269, 2 71 - 272
seealsounder individual taxa
seealsounder individual taxa
temperature, and reproduction in Acipenser
Tethys Sea 128
threats,seeunder anthropogenic impacts;
ThreeGorgesDamseeYangtze River, dams
threoninegene,inAcipenser 141
†Spherosteus36, 174 taxonomy 64, 77, 118
340 Teleostei, systematics 33 Wateree River, dams 340
individual taxa transmontanus 276
white sturgeonseeAcipenser transmontanus
winter raceseeraces
Yana River,Acipenser baeriiin 225
specific threats Acipenser dabryanus in177, 180, 246,
Acipenser sinensis in 158, 177,
†Stichopterus28, 35-36, 50- 51, 74 253, 257-263, 433
Stocking 367,409-413,427 trabecular process 101 dams247-248, 250-251, 253-254, 261,
Ural River, spawning in 179, 209-210,
stocksseefishery variation Yenisey River,Acipenser baeriiin 224
Psephurus gladius in 37, 246, 253