Scarcity and surfeit : the ecology of Africa's conflicts

(Michael S) #1

240 Scarcity and Surfeit

78 The Editor, 16 March 2001, p A2O.
79 Harker, op cit, p 15.
80 Goldsmith, op cit.
81 Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights. 'Situation of Human
Rights in the Sudan.' UN General Assembly, 7 September 2001. A/56/336.
82 Ibid.
83 < >.
84 US Committee for Refugees, op cit.
85 Lado, op cit, p 19.
86 Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights, op cit, paragraph 21.
87 Lado, op cit, p 9.
88 Rosenfeld, op cit, p 18.
89 0 1beanu:Environmental conflict management in the Niger Delta.' Environmental
Change and Security Project ReporT, no 6, 2000.
90 Rosenfeld, op cit, p 25.
91 Ibid, p 18.
92 < >.
93 Lado, op cit, p 13.
94 Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights, op cit.
95 Human Rights Watch, 2001.
96 Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights op cit.
97 Ibid. paras 90 and 94.
98 K Vick, 'Oil money is fueling Sudan's war: Washington Post, June 11,2000.
99 Lado, op cit, p 13.
100 D Fraser, Presentation at the MMSD Experts Workshop on Armed Conflict and
Natural Resources: The Case of the Minerals Sector, London, 2001.
101 G Henriksen, "Anthropologists as Advocates: Promoters of Pluralism or Makers of
Clients", Paine, R. (ed.), Advocacy and Anthropology, St. John's Institute of Social
and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1985.
102 R Buell, Oxfam's Work in Conflict Situations: Conflict Workshop Report,
Birmingham U.K. 1-29/2-2. Mimeo, 1996, pp 8-9.
103 H Greathead, T Fison, G Gatluak, K Thor, G Yoi, S Elijah, W Deng, and A Garang,
The Jonglei Field Officers Handbook: Baseline Study. Nairobi: Save the Children
UK, Nairobi, 1998.
104 Personal communication, Ben Newell, Director of the Carter Centre, Uganda/
Southern Sudan.
105 Ibid.
106 J D Fearon and D D Laitin, "Ethnicity, Insurgency, and Civil War." Paper pre-
sented at the first LiCEP Meetings, Duke Univesrity, April 21-23,2000. Mimeo.
107 Ibid.
108 There is a large and growing literature on this subject. The International Work
Group for Indigenous Peoples publishes a quarterly journal and an annual com-
pendium of case studies: The Indigenous World, Copenhagen: IWGIA. The
London-based Minority Rights Group, Cultural Survival, and other organisations
have also published a range of materials; many theoretical and macro-level analy-
ses of issues are available in the anthropological record, see W.P. Handwerker,

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