European Drawings 2: Catalogue of the Collections

(Marcin) #1
BIBLIOGRAPHY: R. Huyghe, Van Gogh (New York,
!977)> P- 3°; J- van Keulen, Met van Gogh in Provence
(Amsterdam, 1987), p. 33.

107 Venus and Mars Surprised by Vulcan
BIBLIOGRAPHY: K. Oberhuber, Die Kunst der Graphik
IV: Zwischen Renaissance unà Barock: Das Zeitalter von
Bruegel und Bellange: Werke aus dem Besitz der Albertina,
exh. cat. (Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna,
1968), p. 206 , under no. 300; W. W. Robinson, "Rem-
brandt's Sketches of Historical Subjects," in Drawings
Defined (New York, 1987), pp. 248; 250, fig. 13; 257, n.
16 ; Dessins, estampes anciens du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle: Es-
tampes des XIXe et XXe siècles, exh. cat. (Paul Prouté,
Paris, 1990), p. 46, under no. 117; L. W. Nichols, "The
'Pen Works' of Hendrick Goltzius," Philadelphia Museum
of Art Bulletin, Winter 1992 , pp. 6, fig. 3; 7, 8.


108 A Village Festival with Musicians Playing
outside a Tent
BIBLIOGRAPHY: H.-U. Beck, Jan van Goyen: 1596-1656
(Amsterdam, 1987), vol. 3, p. 78, no. 385 ; H. Bevers, P.
Schatborn, andB. Welzel, Rembrandt: The Master and His
Workshop: Drawings and Etchings, exh. cat. (Altes Mu-
seum, Berlin, and other institutions, 1991), p. 58, fig.
I3c, under no. 13.

u i Peasant Festival on a Town Street
8s.GC.43 9
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Abridged Catalogue of the Pictures at
Doughty House, Richmond, Surrey (London, 1932), p. 92,
no. 306.

114 Nude Woman with a Snake
8l.GB.2 7
BIBLIOGRAPHY: O. Benesch, Rembrandt Werk und For-
schung (Vienna, 1935), p. 28; M. B. Cohn, "Red Chalk:
Historical and Technical Perspectives, Part i: Aspects of
Historical Usage"; D. D. Mayer and P. B. Vandiver,
"Red Chalk: Historical and Technical Perspectives, Part
2: A Technical Study," in Drawings Defined (New York,
1987), pp. 169, 171;}. Giltaij, The Drawings by Rembrandt
and His School in the Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Rot-

terdam (Rotterdam, 1988), p. 65, n. 3, under no. 14; H.
Bevers, P. Schatborn, and B. Welzel, Rembrandt: The
Master and His Workshop: Drawings and Etchings, exh. cat.
(Altes Museum, Berlin, and other institutions, 1991), p.
92 , no. i, under no. 24.

115 Two Thatched Cottages with Figures at a
BIBLIOGRAPHY: M. Eisler, Rembrandt als Landschafter
(Munich, 1918), pp. 53-54.

116 Christ and the Canaanite Woman
83.GG.i9 9
BIBLIOGRAPHY: H. M. Rotermund, Rembrandts Hand-
zeichnungen und Radierungen zur Bibel (Stuttgart, 1963),
pp. 180, 220, no. 172.

117 A Sailing Boat on a Wide Expanse (View of
the Nieuwe Meer?)
EXHIBITIONS: Landscape in Perspective: Drawings by Rem-
brandt and His Contemporaries, Arthur M. Sackler Mu-
seum, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., and
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, February-May 1988,
no. 70 (catalogue by F. J. Duparc).
BIBLIOGRAPHY: G. Keyes, "Landscape in Perspective:
Drawings by Rembrandt and His Contemporaries,"
Master Drawings 27 , no. 2 (1989), p. 165.

118 Landscape with the House with the Little
EXHIBITIONS: Rembrandt's Landscapes: Drawings and
Prints, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.,
March-May 1990, no. 81 (catalogue by C. P.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: E. Haverkamp-Begemann, "Review
of Otto Benesch, The Drawings of Rembrandt, " Kunst-
chronik 14, no. i (January 1961), pp. 13, 88; Masterpieces
from the Robert von Hirsch Sale at Sotheby's (Westerham,
1978), pp. 34-35; E. Schaar, Rembrandt: Hunden Radi-
erungen, exh. cat. (Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg,
1987), p. 160, under no. 69; C. P. Schneider, Rembrandt's
Landscapes (New Haven and London, 1990), pp. 231, n.
64 ; 242, n. 2i; M. Royalton-Kisch, "A Landscape Wa-
tercolour by Rembrandt? The Use of Watercolour in
Rembrandt's Circle in Amsterdam," Apollo 133, no. 347
(January 1991), p. 10.

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