European Drawings 2: Catalogue of the Collections

(Marcin) #1
92 A Man Threshing beside a Wagon, Farm
Buildings Behind
BIBLIOGRAPHY: A.-M. Logan, "Review of Julius S.
Held, Rubens: Selected Drawings," Master Drawings 25,
no. i (Spring 1987), p. 73; C. White, Peter Paul Rubens:
Man and Artist (New Haven and London, 1987), pp. 124,
125 ; N. Gritsai, in Dutch and Flemish Paintings from the
Hermitage, exh. cat. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New
York, and Art Institute of Chicago, 1988), p. 104, under
no. 46; M. Varchavskaya, Rubens (Leningrad and Paris,
1989), p. 96, under nos. 40-43.

93 Korean Man
BIBLIOGRAPHY: A.-M. Logan, "Review of Julius S.
Held, Rubens: Selected Drawings," Master Drawings 25,
no. i (Spring 1987), p. 73; P. Bjurstrôm, Durer to Dela-
croix: Great Master Drawings from Stockholm, exh. cat.
(Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, 1985), p. 156, under
no. 78; H. Vlieghe, Rubens Portraits of Identified Sitters
Painted in Antwerp, Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Bur-
chard, vol. 19 (London, 1987), pp. 193-95, under no.
154, n. 9; 197, under no. I54C.

94 Studies of Women
EXHIBITIONS: Creative Copies: Interpretative Drawings
from Michelangelo to Picasso, Drawing Center, New York,
April-July 1988, no. 22 (catalogue entry by C.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: A.-M. Logan, "Review of Julius S.
Held, Rubens: Selected Drawings," Master Drawings 25,
no. i (Spring 1987), p. 75; H. Braham, Rubens: Paintings,
Drawings, Prints in the Princes Gate Collection, exh. cat.
(Courtauld Institute Galleries, London, 1988), p. 38, un-
der no. 41; G. M. Pilo, "Rubens e l'eredità del rinasci-
mento italiano," in Pietro Paolo Rubens 1577-1640, exh.
cat. (Palazzo della Ragione, Padua, and Società per le
Belle Arti ed Esposizione Permanente, Rome, 1990),
p. 24.

99 A Wooded Landscape with Travelers by a
Stream, a Town Beyond
84.GG.8o 7
PROVENANCE: Sale, Amsler and Ruthardt, Berlin, May
24-27, 1908, lot 470.

0oo The Arno with Fishermen
EXHIBITIONS: From Studio to Studiolo: Florentine Drafts-
manship under the First Medici Grand Dukes, Allen
Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, October-
December 1991, no. 49 (catalogue entry by L. Feinberg).

101 Figures on a Frozen Canal
PROVENANCE: H. Tersmitten (?) (sale, de Bary and Yver,
Amsterdam, September 23 , 1754, lotM5i4orM5i5); D.
Muilman, Amsterdam (sale, de Bosch, Amsterdam,
March 29, 1773, lot A4 or A5); Neyman, Amsterdam
(sale, Basan, Paris, July 8, 1776 , lot 895); J. Witsen, Am-
sterdam (sale, Terwen, Amsterdam, August 16 , 1790, lot
A3);J. Hoofman(?) (sale, Roos, Amsterdam, October 19,
1818 , lot ËiS); J. Witsen, Amsterdam (sale F. Muller,
Amsterdam, June 11, 1912, lot 7); Meyer collection (sale,
Boerner, Leipzig, March 19, 1914, lot 115); art market,
EXHIBITIONS: Landscape in Perspective: Drawings by Rem-
brandt and His Contemporaries, Arthur M. Sackler Mu-
seum, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., and
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, February-May 1988,
no. 6 (catalogue by F. J. Duparc).
BIBLIOGRAPHY: H. Verbeek, Genet Battem Constrijck
Schilder, unpub. thesis, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, 1983, p.
63, no. Lgi5; Le pay sage en Europe du XVIe au XVIIIe siè-
cle, exh. cat. (Musée du Louvre, Paris, 1990), p. 53, under
no. 51 (catalogue entry by E. Starcky).

105 Mountain Landscape, Peasants in a Clearing
near a Waterfall'

Landscape Sketch"
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Old Master Drawings, exh. cat. (Richard
Day Ltd., London, 1988), under no. 26.

106 Portrait of Joseph Roulin

EXHIBITIONS: Vincent van Gogh, Rijksmuseum Krôller-
Müller, Otterlo, March-July 1990, no. 198 (catalogue by
J. van der Wolk, R. Pickvance, and E. B. F. Pey).

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