(WallPaper) #1

This false doctrine regarding the divinity of Jesus then makes the Christians guilty of
a further crime that of associating partners with God, as now you have more than
one God.

Exalted is Allah from their attribution to Him Almighty.


We find that the Christians revere the Cross in fact they worship it, this is because of
the following three reasons.

1) the crucifix touch the blessed body of Jesus or so it is claimed, if this is the
reason for their veneration of the cross to the point of worship, they should
also venerate the donkey as it too touched the body of Jesus according to
their scripture, he was carried upon a donkey. So the donkey should be
revered in their tradition an in fact should be worshiped like the Hindus who
worship Cows do and this would give them justification as the cow is of more
benefit to humans than the donkey.

The questions must be asked could this cross be a God as the Christian
doctrine encourages people to believe and worship?

The answer is of course an unequivocal no.

2) the second explanation is that the Christians consider the crucifix to be the
cause of the sacrifice and the reason for the expiation of the sins.

If this is to be considered as the logical explanation hen surely they the Christians
should also revere Judas as it is he who as is claimed led the enemies of Jesus to him
and was the cause of his death as is claimed by the Christians, had it not been for his
intervention they would not have found Jesus nor be able to kill his as is claimed by
the Christians.

The questions must be asked could this reverence of the cross be applied to
Judas as he was also the cause of the “sacrifice” and the cause likewise of the
expiation of the sins”

The answer is of course an unequivocal no.

3) the third explanation is that the blood of Jesus is said to have been spilt onto
the cross.

If this explanation is to be considered then one has to ask the question why the
Christians do not also revere the thorns that were placed on his head as he was
being crucified.

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