(WallPaper) #1

Another point to consider is that the Bible in its oldest manuscript cannot even be
relied upon to give us an accurate account, as it was not the language that Jesus
spoke by the consensus of the Christians.

Process of selection:

One finds no other reason for the inclusion of the four Gospels of Mathew, Mark,
Luke and John except that they agreed with the prevalent belief at the time. There
seems no other logical, sensible selection process the early Christians were using.

There isn’t even the slightest attempt to attribute these various Gospels to Jesus.

The "gospel" is a frequently used word, but what Gospel did Jesus preach? Of the 27
books of the New Testament, only a small fraction can be accepted as the words of
Jesus. The Christians boast about the Gospels according to St. Matthew, according to
St. Mark, according to St. Luke and according to St. John, but there is not a single
Gospel "according" to (St.) Jesus himself! We sincerely believe that everything Christ
(May the peace and blessings of God be upon him) preached was from God. That was
the Injeel, the good news and the guidance of God for the Children of Israel. In his
lifetime Jesus never wrote a single word, nor did he instruct anyone to do so. What
passes off, as the "GOSPELS" today are the works of anonymous hands! The question
before us is: "Do you accept that the Bible is God's Word?" The question is really in
the form of a challenge. The questioner is not simply seeking enlightenment. The
question is posed in the spirit of a debate.

One cannot help noticing that the words attributed to Jesus are few and far between.
There are copies of the Bible were his words are put in RED to highlight, in fact only
10% of the Bible is actually the word of Jesus (pbuh), even though it was upon him
that it was revealed.

So this book that is claimed to be from God cannot be considered anything of the
sort, instead it is a text that has changed and altered according to the whims and
desires of its authors.

A Glimpse of what the Bible contains and what that proves.
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