(WallPaper) #1

Anyone turning the pages of the Bible will realised that this book is one full of filth
ranging from slander against God to claiming His prophets and messengers
disbelieved or worshipped idols or fell in to illicit deviancies, all this for the same
messengers it is claimed were sent to guide human kind.

Any claim made against the prophet is indeed a claim that God Himself was ignorant
when selecting those same messengers.

Here is but a few of these examples from the ‘Sacred’ text that is the Bible:

A) The Bible claims that the prophet Lot (pbuh) fornicated with his daughter:

To continue: the "history" has it that, night after night, the daughters of Lot seduce
their drunken father with the noble (?) motive of preserving their father's "seed."
"Seed" figures very prominently in this "Holy Book": forty seven times in the little
booklet of Genesis alone! Out of this another incestuous relationship come the
"Ammonites" and the "Moabites," for whom the God of Israel was supposed to have
had a special. Later on in the Bible we learn that the Jews are ordered by the same
compassionate God to slaughter the Philistines mercilessly — men, women and
children. Even trees and animals are not to be spared, but the Amonites and the
Moabites are not to be "distressed" or "meddled" with because they are the seed of
Lot! (Deuteronomy 2:19)

No decent reader can read the seduction of Lot to his mother, sister or daughter, not
even to his fiancée if she is a chaste and moral woman. Yet you will come across
perverted people who will gorge this filth. Tastes can be cultivated!

Read again and mark Ezekiel 23. You will know what color to choose. The
"whoredoms" of the two sisters, Aholah and Aholibah. The sexual details here puts
to shame even the unexpurgated edition of many banned books. Ask your "born
again" Christian visitors, under what category will they classify all this lewdness?
Such filth certainly has no place in any "Book of God."

C) They claim that Yahootha the son of Jacob fornicated with his sons wife
Thaamar, and impregnated her, she then gave birth to Faarid and Zaarih the
twins. Genesis 38

D) They claim that David, Solomon and Jesus (pbut) were from the offspring of
Thaamar, [Mathew 1]

E) They claim that David fornicated with a woman then plotted against her
husband killing him and taking his wife for himself. [Samuel II 11]

F) The accusation that Solomon (pbuh) was an apostate and worshiped idols
and built temples for those idols. [Kings I 11]
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