Modern inorganic chemistry

(Axel Boer) #1
Lanthanides, 9, 12, 440
Lattice energy, 73-75
accumulator, 202, 203
carbonate, 202
chromate, 202
halides, 199, 200
hydrides, 193, 194
occurrence and extraction, 167,168
oxides, 193, 194
properties, 161-163
tests, 204
Leclanche cell, 388
Lepidolite, 122
Lewis, G.R, 91
acids and bases, 91
Litharge, 193
abnormalities of, 134, 135
aluminium hydride, 127
compounds, 126-133
occurrence and extraction, 122
physical properties, 120
reactions, 125
tests, 136
uses, 123
Lithopone, 418
Lunar caustic, 429

biological importance, 124
chloride, 45, 76
compounds, 126-133
extraction of, 69
in chlorophyll, 124
physical properties, 120
reactions, 125
tests, 136
uses, 124
Magnetic properties, 59, 229
of transition metal ions, 365, 366
Magnetite, 391
Malachite, 408
Manganates, 60, 61, 96, 385-387
tests, 390
complexes, 390
compounds, 384-390
occurrence and extraction, 384
oxidation states, 362
physical properties, 360, 361
tests, 390, 391
uses, 384

Mannitol, 149
Massicot, 193
Melting points, 17-20
of transition metals, 360
Mendeleef, 2, 3
amalgams, 435
chemical properties, 435
complexes, 438, 439
compounds, 436-438
physical properties, 433, 435
tests, 439
uses, 435, 436
Metals, 25
alloys of, 368
bonding in, 58, 59
extraction of, 67-71
interstitial compounds, 368
redox potentials of, 98
Methane, 36-38, 55, 172
Meyer, Lothar, 2
Moissan, 316
Molecules, shape of, 37-39
Mond process, 406, 407
Monel metal, 316
Mordant, 151,380
Moseley, 3

Naphtha, 180, 181
occurrence and isolation, 355
properties. 353. 354
uses, 357
Nernst, 100
Newlands, 1
complexes, 407
compounds, 406-408
occurrence and extraction, 405, 406
oxidation states, 362
physical properties, 360, 361
tests, 408
tetracarbonyl, 178, 179, 407, 408
uses, 406
Nitrates, 242, 243
Nitric acid. 238 242
Nitrites, 243, 244
halogen compounds, 249
hydrides, 214-225
occurrence and extraction, 207, 208
oxides, 228-234
oxoacids, 238-244
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