properties, 206
reactions, 210-213
tests, 253
Nitronium ion, 234, 240
cation, 90, 230
chloride, 231
hydrogensulphate, 299
Nitrous acid, 243
Noble gas hydrates, 356
Nomenclature, 47, 363
Oleum, 302
Orbit, 5
Orbitals, 6, 54^56
hybrid, 55, 58
Orpiment, 209
definitions, 91, 92
state, 95-97
acidic, 286, 287
amphoteric, 285
higher, 286
ionic, 89, 187,285
Oxidising agents, tests for, 107, 108
'Oxo' reaction, 405
anions, 43, 44
strength of, 88
Oxonium ion, 85
allotropes, 262-264
hydrides, 269-282
occurrence and extraction, 260
properties, 257-259
reactions, 266-268
uses, 268
Oxygen difluoride, 324, 334
Ozone, 262-264
Ozonides, 264
Paramagnetism, 229, 262, 366, 422
Pauling, 50
4 Peptisation,^193
Perborate', 149
Periodic table, i
Peroxides, 130
Peroxodisulphate, 304, 325, 385
Phosphates, 246, 247
Phosphine, 225, 226
Phosphinic acid, 244
Phosphonic acid, 245
Phosphoric acids, 245-247
allotropes, 209
halides, 249-252
hydrides, 225-227
occurrence and extraction, 208, 209
oxides, 244
oxoacids, 244
pentachloride, 251
pentafluoride, 40, 251
properties, 206
reactions, 210-213
tests, 253, 254
Photochemical reaction, 321
Photography, 428, 429
Plastics, 189
Platinum(II) chloride, 174
Plumbane, 177
Plutonium, 444
Polonium, 262, 267
hydride, 284
Polyhalides, 346
Polymetallic cations, 437
Polysulphides, 267, 284
biological importance, 124
carbonate, 132,
compounds, 126-133
hydroxide, 130
physical properties, 120
reactions, 125, 126
superoxide, 123, 130
tests for, 136
uses, 123
Potentiometric titrations, 104-107
Pyrolusite, 384
uses, 388
Quantum number, 5
Quartz, 186
Quicklime, 133
isolation, 355
properties, 353, 354
uses, 357
Realgar, 209
Red lead, 195
Redox potentials, 97-104
effect of ligand, 101, 102, 367, 368
effect of pH, 101, 102
uses of. 102-105