Concise Physical Chemistry

(Tina Meador) #1

ind JWBS043-Rogers September 24, 2010 12:57 Printer Name: Yet to Come


Nitric oxide, 358
Nitrogen, 21, 222
Nitrogen dioxide, 148
Nitrogen tetroxide, 105
NMR spectrum of ethanol, 299
Nodes, 254
three wave functions, 254
Born probability densities, 255
Nonideal binary solutions, 131
Nonideal systems, chemical potential, 100
Nonvolatile solute, 189
Normalization, 257
NSTP new standard temperature and
pressure, 16
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), 297,

Occupation number, 11
Open system, 41
Operator, 237
Optical activity, 352
Optical inversion, 352
Optimizing the Gaussian function, 272
Orbitals, 257
Order and molecularity, 155
Orientation polarization, 295
Orthogonality, 262, 264
and overlap, 262
Osmotic presure, 191, 192, 202
Oxygen bomb calorimetry, 68
Ozone depletion, 347
Ozone hole, 156, 347
Ozone, 155

Packing fraction, 174
Parabola, 52
Parabolic potential well, 290
of the harmonic oscillator, 290
Parallel plate capacitor, 294
Parametric curve fit, 19
Partial GAUSSIAN G3(MP2) output, 339
Partial ionization, 208
Partial MM4 enthalpy output for ethane,
Partial molar thermodynamic functions, 133
the general case, 133
Partial molar volume, 129
as a slope of V vs n, 131
the general case, 132

Partial pressure, 5, 6, 186, 195
Particle in a cubic box, 255
the first excited state, 257
Particle in a one-dimensional box, 253
energy, 265
fundamentals and overtones, 254
Partition function, 10, 108, 111, 114, 118
for different modes of motion, 116
Gibbs free energy, 112
rotational, 116
vibrational, 115
Path independence, 38
Path, 38
Pauling, 239
Perturbation, 337
pH meter, 226
Phase change, 84
water, 84
Phase diagram, 127
water, 128
Phase plane, 127
Phase rule, 124
Phases, 124
Phosphorescence, 345
mechanism of, 346
Photochemistry, 344
Photoinduction, 345
Physical equilibrium, 126
Pitzer, 92
Polar molecule, 297
Polarizability, 295, 303
Polarized basis functions, 332
Pople, 323
Population inversion, 348
Population, 8
Post-Hartree–Fock calculations, 336
Potential drop, 204
Potential energy surface, 350
Potential enrgy, 42
Pressure fraction, 5
Primitives, 326
Principle of detailed balance, 152
Priogine, 42
Probability “shells”, 258
Probability, 12, 113
entropy and, 113
Probability density, 8, 12, 241
Probability factor, 159
Pythagoras, 40
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