Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition : Integrative Perspectives On Intellectual Functioning and Development

(Rick Simeone) #1

TABLE 10.1

Overview of Prior MDL Studies

Alexander,Kulikowich, &
Schulze (1994)

Alexander, Jetton,

& Kulikowich


Alexander, Murphy,Woods, Duhon, &

Parker (1997)

Alexander &
Murphy (1998)

Murphy &
Alexander (2002)

Alexander, Sperl,Buehl, Fives, &

Chiu (2002)


209 college students

Exp. 1: 30 premed

and 17 ed. psygraduate stu-dents
Exp. 2: 78 under-


329 undergraduates

enrolled in intro.educational psy-chology course

329 educational

psychology un-dergraduates

77 undergraduates

in educationalpsychology

111 general ed. un-

dergraduates; 56special educationundergraduates;21 special educa-tion graduatestudents, and 20special educationfaculty

Domain: Texts

Physics: Two popu-

lar-press articleson Hawking andGrand Unifica-tion Theory andon quarks

Human immunol-

ogy: Viral nucleicacids and bacte-riophages

Educational psy-

chology: Twosegments ofscholarly chap-ters on knowl-edge and motiva-tion

Educational psy-

chology: Passageson knowledgeand motivation

Educational psy-

chology: Passageson knowledgeand motivation

Special education:

Segment ofscholarly chapteron effectivenessof special educa-tion


Topic and domain

knowledge tests;passage interestratings; recallmeasures

Domain knowledge

test; interestratings; recallmeasure

Domain knowledge

test; personal in-terest ratings; re-call measure

Domain knowledge

test; interestscale; strategicprocessing inven-tory; domain-specific analogymeasure


knowledge test;interactive(knowledge &strategies) test;interest measure;strategy inven-tory

Procedural and de-

clarative knowl-edge test; activ-ity-based interestmeasure; strategyuse inventory; re-call measure; do-main-specificanalogy measure


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