order to more deeply express your appreciation will mark
you as a person for whom it is especially pleasant to do
The methods by which you can imaginatively
express appreciation are so varied and unlimited, I shall
leave them to your own invention-and only suggest a few:
( a) Instead of just a "thank you" note, send
a telegram. It's quick and easy to dictate a telegraphic
"night letter" over the phone to a Western Union operator.
And "night letter" telegrams are very inexpensive. But
such a "thank you" telegram will surprise, please and
impress the recipient. (Be sure it is marked: "Deliver-
do not phone," because a delivered telegram is more im-
pressive. )
(b) If you have informally expressed your
appreciation by phone, then promptly confirm it by regis-
tered mail, starting your letter with tongue-in-cheek for-
mality such as: "Confirming my telephone conversation of
this morning, I want to make it a matter of written record;
therefore I say ... <Gee, thanks!!!'''
(c) Just the right little "thank-you" gift with
an accompanying note is evidence that you are thoughtful
as well as grateful-if the gift is appropriate, unusual and
inexpensive. An expensive gift gives the impression that
you are trying to "payoff" the obligation, instead of sin-
cerely expressing appreciation for a favor.
Those are just a few ideas I know will work.
You can take it from there.