alertness, excitement, exhilaration, elation, anticipation,
confidence and emotional power. Then be acutely aware
of an intensification, a surging build-up of these feelings,
while you consciously are keeping this combination of
emotions restrained and controlled-but ready to release
to whatever extent you will. This will produce a vibrant,
inner tenseness which has the exciting qualities of the
combination of feelings and emotions just described. In
this way you generate the inner "glow" (personal mag-
netism) which you can "project" or "radiate" to others.
Frequently practice arousing this combination
of feelings within you. First practice while you are alone,
preferably in a quiet place where there will be no distrac-
tions. Make a written list of the feelings you want to arouse.
Write them in the following order on a small card or piece
of paper. Then practice ... practice ... practice:
Alertness... excitement... exhilaration...
elation ... anticipation ... confidence ... emotional power!
Intensify each feeling-one at a time:
First, feel ALERT! Feel a keen sense of aware-
ness of yourself and your surroundings. Feel watchful ...
ready to act ... ready to respond-instantly!
Then feel a sense of EXCITEMENT!. Come
alive! Feel a thrill running through your nervous system I
Breathe a little fasterl
Now, feel EXHILARATED! Give yourseH an
emotional lift! Step up your emotional charge!
Then feel ELATED! Get that "sitting-on-top-
of-the-world" feeling!