Next feel ANTICIPATION! Feel that "some-
thing wonderful" is about to happen!
ThEm feel CONFIDENT! Very confident! Feel
that you are going to get what you want! You are going
to do what you want to do! You are sure of yourself! sure!
Finally, feel a sense of EMOTIONAL POWER!
Know that you can make others feel your emotional power!
That you can radiate your emotional power!· That your
emotional power surrounds you like an aural That anyone
near you can feel it intensely!
Practice arousing these emotional feelings with-
in yourself. Begin by practicing them one at a time-in
the order given. Then see how intensely you can feel each
one. Next hold the first feeling. while you add another...
and another ... and another. Finally you will be able to
combine ALL of these feelings into one powerful feeling
of personal magnetism!
Now, you must learn the secret of maintaining
and using personal magnetism!
Having aroused the emotions just listed, you
must make them magnetic by consciously restraining them
and deliberately keeping them under your personal control.
It is this conscious restraint, this deliberate control, that
generates the intensity of feeling which produces personal
magnetism. It is the deliberate maintaining of this inner
tenseness which produces magnetic power. It is the con-
scious personal control which enables you to direct this
magnetic power-when, where, and to what extent you