Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1
You now have learned step (1) of the personal
magnetism secret of the movie and television star:s and
all other magnetic personalities: (1) Generate an INNER
N ow for step ( 2 ) of their secret, which is:
(2) Radiate an OUTER "GLOW",
Since you have learned to (1) Generate an
inner "glow", it is quite easy to radiate it outward, to
project it to others. You simply develop the "feeling" of
doing so, You "feel" that you are surrounded by an aura
of radiant personal magnetism-just as a real magnet is

. surrounded by what is known in science as a "magnetic
field" , You develop the conscious feeling that you can
attract anything you want .within your "magnetic field",
Practice the powerful technique of projecting
your magnetic personality to others. Practice the "feel" of
being able to radiate your inner «glow" so that it surrounds
you with an outer "glow" that is your own magnetic field
which influences and attracts others.
Once you have ( 1 ) Generated an INNER
«GLOW", youl1 find it easy to be able to project it and
thus (2) 'Radiate an OUTER «GLOW". In fact, if you
have intensely generated an inner «glow", it naturally and
automatically will radiate as an outer «glow",
So now we come to the third step in the three-
part secret of personal magnetism: (3) ~SMILE with your
Most people think that they should smile with
their mouths. If you try to start a smile with· your mo~th,

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