Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1
Chapter 31

"Be Prepared"

There is much wisdom to be found in mottoes.
One of the wisest of all is the motto of the Boy Scouts:
"Be Prepared".

The admonition to "Be Prepared" applies to
almost every facet of life, and since we cannot examine all
in one brief chapter, I'm going to choose perhaps the most
unpleasant-but most needed.

Malcolm Muggeridge said, "Religion wisely as-
sumes misfortune, and so survives, when earthly utopian
hopes, which must inevitably be disappointed, soon perish".

We should not leave the assumption of mis-
fortune entirely to religion. The acceptance of the inevit-
ability of misfortune, as a frequent or infrequent part of
life, should be individual and not a matter of religion only.

So each of us should "Be Prepared» to accept
such misfortunes as inevitably will come our way, realizing
that life was not made for our enjoyment, but for our living.

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