I can give you no better prescription for travel-
ing through life boldly and successfully than this-and I
shall give it to you in sufficient detail that you never again
will bow to man nor to circumstance. So let's begin ...
There's an art to this, but it is an art which is
easily learned. When you learn it, you will feel a high sense
of exhiliration and a bold firmness of command.
First, you begin simply by standing erect.
Not slouched. Not slumped. Not stooped. But not stiff
nor tense, either. Just erect. Then you calmly s-t-r~e-t-c-h
upward, concentrating entirely on reaching higher with
the top of your head. That's all-just lift yourseH with the
top of your head. Do not strain-easily l-i-f-t so that you
can feel that the top of your head is lifting your weight off
your feet so that you «stand lightly", almost weightlessly.
When you walk, walk lightly. No plodding. No
stomping. And no timid toddling, either. Just stride lightly,
with an easy glide, your legs swinging smoothly back and
forth like pendulums.
Don't stretch your shoulders upward. Don't
pull your shoulders backward. Just relax them. You control
the position of your shoulders with your chest. Yes, that's
right, you control the position of your shoulders with your
chest. Expand your chest. Push your chest forward and
upward. Lead with your chest!
Don't lift your chin (that will make you look
arrogant and egotistical). Just keep your chin firm and
level. Do all your «lifting" with the top of your head.
But remember, do it naturally, easily. Don't strain. Don't